Sunday, March 18, 2012

Shaman Focus: Liza

Every so often I'll post a special focused piece, all about a certain shaman. Today's shaman news will be about Liza - the panda shaman.

Brave and powerful Liza is the panda Shaman. She values exploration and intellectual pursuits, and has personally mapped a great majority of Jamaa. She is proud and determined in her manner, and she lets nothing stand in the way of her latest expedition to a far off land. Liza doesn't stand still for long, and never has much time to talk before having to dash off. She created most of the exploration-based challenges in Animal Jam and she presses all animals in the world to document Jamaa. She has a kind, motherly manner about her; very encouraging and very gentle. She believes that anyone can do better, and reach higher.

Liza's house, near the place where
 she meets new jammers.
Liza is a very special shaman, she was likely the first person you met on animal jam, she gave you instructions on your first day. We should be thankful for her great kindness. I think I have managed to find her den in Jamaa Township. 
Pathway to Liza's home
in a forest of bamboo.


Where is Liza's home? What does she like to do? Who should our next featured shaman be? You Jammers decide!

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