Monday, May 7, 2012

RIM: Rare Heart Locket 5/7/12

Hey Jammers!

Today's "rare" item is the Rare Heart Locket. The best part about this rare is it is nonmember, (finally)!
Rare Heat Locket
Located on the second page
of Hot Cocoa Hut in
Mt. Shiveer.
Make sure to get a few for trading in the future.

Next, when I was browsing some Jamaasian trade lists, I came across the clouds. Isn't it strange the look somewhat "lighter?" I was puzzled by this. It seems AJHQ made all of the cloud lighter then they actually were in the past. Take a look, I've found the lightning cloud as an example. Did it occur with the others? What do you find about these strange occurrences?
Hmm. . .Strange.

Next, AJHQ sent out another reminder to head on over to Twister in Canyons Pathway for double gems. 
So head on over before Thursday to earn your gems!

Next, here is another mystery, like snowyclaw did. 

This one may be a tough one, there is no right answer and no true clues. . .
This monkey used to reside in the center of the Temple of Zios. Who was it?  How did it get there? Where did it go? This needs a good explanation, and AJHQ sure isn't telling us, so we'll have to decide for ourselves. Be sure to comment with your ideas! 

I think it might be Zios. Mira the beautiful crane, and Zios a monkey. I've always thought that, and regarding it is now, where Zios' rest, I think it is a good chance of being Zios, for his Spirit stone shines out, like Mira's once did at Jammer Central. What do you think? Is this true? Or just another one of my crazy ideas? :)

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