Monday, June 11, 2012

New RIM: "Rare" Golden Pirate Hat

Hey Jammers!

Todays "rare" is the golden pirate hat. Located on the sixth page of Jam Mart Clothing. AJHQ  seems to really be going crazy over this golden thing. Soon things will be bronze, and silver... I can see it now... Are you ready? ^.^

Next, AJHQ  sent out another message to everyone yesterday, it's about PET ADOPTION! Make sure to head on her to AJHQ's blog, The Daily Explorer, click on it for a link, to learn more about caring for our adorable little friends. Every pet deserves a home. ;)

Next, for the weekly jamaasian mystery. . . This one is kinda a fun one, and needs no exact answer. . .
Who are these mysterious rainbow bunnies? Were they the originally Jamaasians, ones who care about the culture of Jamaa? Are they sent to create peace to all Jammers of Jamaa? Are they secretly evil and out to get us? What do you think? Like I said, this is completely random, and it needs no "exact" answer. It's just a fun question for this week. ;)

Well, that's all for today, jammers. Happy Jamming!

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